“International Woman’s Day” under the theme 'Invest in women: Accelerate progress” was observed at Carriage works/Perambur on 16.03.2024 .All the women employees working in carriage works have participated in the program. The program’s Chief guest Mrs. Chitra Balasundar gave a motivational talk for women in working place. Dr. A. Therasal Valarmathi SrDMO/RH/PER delivered a health talk on Osteoporosis especially in young women, its causes, symptoms, management and prevention. Prizes were distributed to the winners as well as participants in various competitions conducted by the welfare team by the Chief guest, Sr DMO, Dy.CPO..Rahul Anil & APO M .Syed Sirajuddin. Mr Chinnamani welfare Inspector/CW/PER, Mrs Asha Sr District Extension Educator/RH/PER also participated, around 200 employees benefited this program.