Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Southern Railway HQ Hospital, Perambur

Our department provides tertiary care obstetric and gynaecology services to railway beneficiaries from across the zone. We offer a spectrum of services, ranging from simple promotive and preventive care to more sophisticated curative surgeries and palliative medicine.


Dr. Nirmala Rajaram DGO, DNB (OBG) Gold Medal
Dr. S. Kalyani MBBS, DGO/ DNB (OBG)/ MNAMS (OBG)
Medical Director
Dr. K. Jayarakini MD (OG), DNB (OG)
Dr. K. S. Raja Rajeswari MD(O&G), MRCOG(UK)
Dr. G. C. ApernaPriya
Dr. Hajira Fathima
Dr. V. Nirmala Devi
Chief Consultant

Academic Achievements

Our PG residents are equipped with good surgical skills, encouraged to develop a temper for scientific research and imbibed with a sense of service to humanity, making them amongst the best doctors in the field.

It is a matter of great pride for us that owing to the high standard of academics and patient care established in the department, OG residents of RH/PER are held in high regard within academic circles and among their peers.

Students’ achievements

Our student Dr Sneha bagged the NBE gold medal for best performance in final year exit examination 2020 (declared in 2022). DNB residents of our department always perform exceptionally well at the National Board final examinations, and for the past several years, we have had a 100% pass result each year.

For the past 3 consecutive years, our students have been national winners in the quiz conducted by Indian Menopause Society.

In the last one year, our students have won five I prizes and two II prizes in state & national level quiz competitions, have presented 9 papers and 4 posters at national and state level conferences, and won prizes for all of them, including a gold medal at OGSSICON 2022 won by our PG Dr. Nandhana

Faculty’s achievements

In the last one year, 8 scientific papers from our department have been published in national and international indexed journals, under the authorship of Dr.Kalyani, Chief Gynaecologist and 4 scientific papers under the authorship of Dr.K.S.Raja Rajeswari,ACHD.

All senior faculty in the department are regularly invited for external examinership and paper evaluation by reputed universities.

Our department is a centre for the conduct of NBE final practical examinations.

Extra departmental activities of our faculty

Dr V Nirmala Devi, retired as PCMD/SR and is now a senior consultant in the department, which benefits immensely from her rich experience.

Dr Kalyani.S, Chief Gynaecologist and MD/RH/PER is in charge of administrative duties as part of both the posts. Also, implemented Swachchata Pakhwada at RH/PER and made it a resounding success. Dr Kalyani has also been instrumental in reviving the IRAGO-Indian Railway Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, and for conceptualising the conference, IRAGOCON 2023.

Dr GC Apernapriya is in charge of drug procurement stores at RH/PER.

Dr K.S.Rajarajeshwari,ACHD; is in charge of the health & family welfare department of RH/PER and is involved in conduct of all the public awareness programmes for observance of health related important days at RH/PER, in addition to school health programmes on menstrual hygiene,deworming and STD prevention.

The way forward..

Procurement of a central foetal monitoring system and high-end LDR beds for labour room is on the anvil.

Team OG/RH/PER is working towards another ambitious goal- that of setting up an IVF centre at our hospital. With help from PCMD/SR and DGRHS, we hope the centre will start functioning in the coming year.


Preventive gynaecology

  • The department regularly conducts screening camps (pap smear and breast examination) at various locations across the zone. Abnormalities detected are followed up and treated at RH/PER.
  • Pap smear is taken for all married women aged above 30 years attending OPD. Endometrial biopsy is also taken when indicated. Nearly 100 women are screened every month for gynaec malignancies.
  • HPV Vaccination against carcinoma cervix is offered to adolescent girls and unmarried women.

Health Promotive services (Gynaecology)

  • A yoga instructor has been engaged on contract basis to teach yoga and antenatal exercises to pregnant ladies.
  • Programmes on menstrual hygiene, breast and cervical cancer awareness, school health programmes with deworming initiatives are held regularly.
  • Breast feeding week, World cancer day are observed with conduct of relevant programmes.
  • Sanitary napkin dispensers have been installed in our department.
  • We offer all the various methods of contraception and perform nearly 60-70 laparoscopic sterilization procedures every year.
  • Dietary counselling for pregnant women with gestational diabetes and lifestyle modification counselling for women suffering from PCOS.

Curative Services

Outpatient Services

Over a 100 patients benefit from our numerous outpatient services daily. Screening for sexually transmitted infections is done during gynaec examination and treatment for the same provided.

Inpatient Services

Category 2022 2023 (upto September)
Vaginal deliveries (including instrumental) 524 360
LSCS 328 255
Major surgeries (including laparoscopic) 696 568
Minor surgeries (including laparoscopic) 78 45

Gynaec Oncology Services

  • Medical oncology clinic runs every week for assessment and follow up of gynaecological malignancies.
  • Advanced immunohistochemistry and molecular subtype testing is done.
  • Recently licensed drugs such as PARP inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies like Pembrolizumab and immunotherapeutic agents are also made available.
  • Surgeries such as staging laparotomy,cytoreductive surgeries, laparoscopy for endometrial malignancy, pelvic and para aortic lymphadenectomy, Wertheim’s hysterectomy,etc are performed.


1. State-of-the-art Labour Room

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Our labour room is designed to be aesthetically pleasing , while at the same time, ensuring functional efficiency. It is equipped with the latest systems to ensure that highest standard of care is met in the following services

  • 24*7 Diagnostic ultrasound
  • 24*7 Fetal surveillance systems
  • Emergency obstetric and neonatal resuscitation equipment
  • Labour Analgesia- Inhalational (Entonox) and epidural
  • Operative vaginal delivery
  • Obstetric High Dependency Unit- To cater to high risk patients with eclampsia, DIC, heart disease,etc
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Our staff nurse administering Entonox to a laboring mother

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Our PG resident doing an ultrasound scan

2. Private rooms and general ward based inpatient services

3. 24*7 emergency theatre services with hysteroscopy and laparoscopy facilities, in addition to elective theatre services(4 days/week)

4. Outpatient clinic- 6 days a week

Services offered under one roof- Adolescent gynaec clinic, High Risk Pregnancy clinic, Subfertility clinic, Postnatal and Family welfare clinic, Gynaec Oncology clinic.

5. Antenatal yoga- 2 days a week

6. Maternal Mental Health Awareness, Care and Support Sessions held fortnightly , in association with Thunai, an NGO

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Our Obstetric HDU offers sophisticated multidisciplinary critical care for unstable patients