Department of Pathology

General Info

Department of Laboratory Medicine is NABL accredited since 2015. Scope includes Biochemistry and Immunochemistry, Microbiology and Serology, Histopathology and Cytopathology, Hematology and Clinical Pathology. We have a licensed Blood bank with component separation. We have a molecular diagnostic facility which is the first in the Indian Railways. We are the first Laboratory in the Indian Railways to get Nabl accreditation.


Dr. A. Jaisri MBBS, MD, DCP, DNB Pathology
Additional Chief Health Director
Dr. K. Suganya
Dr. P. Rama Prabha


Our Pathology department is NBE accredited for DNB Pathology courses since 2020 and we have one primary and one post diploma seats each year. Our post diploma DNB candidate passed out in March 2024. We also have Apprenticeship training for MLT Pathology courses conducted by RDSDE.


All Hematological tests, Biochemical tests, Serological tests, Clinical Pathology, Microbiology, Histopathology and Cytology tests are done. In addition to the regular culture tests, tests for Mucormycosis and Aspergillus are also done.

Bleeding of donors and issue of Blood units with components are done following grouping and cross matching.

Special tests: ROSE-Rapid On Site Evaluation is done in Pathology department to aid in the rapid diagnosis of malignancies.

Mass spectrometry method is used in the Microbiology department to identify organisms rapidly.

Equipments: Two Hematology analysers, Three Biochemistry analysers, one HbA1C analyser, one immunoanalyser, one blood grouping and crossmatching system, one blood culture system, one identification and sensitivity system and one polymerase chain reaction system. Besides these we have centrifuges and binocular microscopes. We have one trinocular microscope.


Publications: (List of published journal articles in Vancouver format)

1. Tuberculoid hansens a case report, BMC Infectious diseases 2012 12p36

2. Human Immunodeficiency virus and carcinoma cervix, Current Research in Medicine, DOI 10.3844/amjsp.2010.133

3. A Comparative study of the diagnostic techniques in malaria, Indian J of Hemat and Blood Transfusion Vol 24.3 2008.

4. Diagnostic issues ina case of Hodgkins lymphoma with Castleman like features. Indian J Hematol and Blood Transfus2014 1-4.

5. Role of micronucleus in Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions and Carcinoma. Ann Pathol Lab Med 2017 Dec 10 4-6.

6. Peripheral blood Hypereosinophilia masquerading a case of acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Ann Pathol Lab Med 2015 May 5,22. C 58-61.

Dr A Jaisri