Department of Microbiology

General Information

Department of Clinical microbiology renders service around the clock and hosts an array of major sections which includes Aerobic bacteriology, Anaerobic bacteriology, Antimicrobial testing laboratory, Serology, Mycology, Parasitology, Mycobacteriology, ICTC/HIV surveillance, Molecular biology of infectious diseases and Microbial surveillance in hospital and the community settings. Our clinical laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring accurate and timely diagnosis of infectious diseases. The scope of medical microbiology continues to expand with emerging and re-emerging infections. 



Dr. Ramaprabha MBBS., M.D


  1. Training Apprentices who are posted in the laboratory. 

  2. B.Tech Biotechnology students, posted for Observership. 


  1. Poster presented on “case report on an emerging opportunistic yeast isolatedin immunocompromised hostin a tertiary care centre” at Chettinad Hospital and research institute – Chet Mycocon 2022. 

  2. Journal publication on ‘ Tuberculous pericarditis associated with leprosy: A rare combination ‘ in BMC infectious diseases, 12.10.2019

  3. Case report on ‘ disseminated cryptococcosis with skin lesions’ at national conference on mycology- REFIND 2018.

Facilities and Services


  1. VITEK MS PRIME: has been procured and used for identification of bacteria, yeast and moulds from 24 hours grown culture isolates. It works on the principle Matrix Assisted Laser Adsorption ionisation Time of flight enabling early and accurate culture results within 20mins from culture isolates. It has more than 3000 database of organisms. 

  2. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of all clinical specimen for Bacteria and fungi by vitek 2 compact analyser and by Disc diffusion method.

  3. MASTERIA software application is used to formulate Antibiogram. 

  4. Participation in EQAS with 100% performance. 

  5. Microscopic Examination includes Grams staining, Acid fast staining, wet mount for urine, CSF, vaginal discharge and Liver abscess for parasites.

  6. Bacteriological Analysis of water, sterility checking of OT,ICU

  7. HIV Testing and Surveillance in coordination with NACO


  1. Serology Testing includes HIV, HBsAg, Anti HCV, Syphilis total Antibodies, Dengue IgM and NS1Ag, Leptospirosis IgM ELISA, S.Typhi IgM, RPR, TPHA

  2. Hepatitis profile serology testing includes HBsAg, AntiHBe, HBeAg, HBcTotal, HBcIgM, AntiHbs Tire, Anti HAV IgM, Anti HEV IgM

  3. Vitros 3600 is a multiparameter, random access analyser with faster results output compared to ELISA taking approx. 1 hour per sample. 

  4. In addition to routine work, we have performed kit validation for Dengue and Lepto ELISA and Immunochromatography test for Dengue and S.Typhi.


 Real-Time PCR is essentially a quantitative method, which offers a dynamic range of detection of the target nucleic acid during the exponential phase of amplification. Plasma viral load serves as an invaluable marker for monitoring the progression of the infection and the efficacy of antiviral therapy in infected patients. HIV and HBV quantification by Real Time PCR is performed.