Department of Dental surgery

General Info

Dental Department of Perambur Railway Hospital is rendering its service for more than 4 decades. At present all type of contemporary Dental treatments are done here like Permanent fillings, Cosmetic fillings, Gingivectomy, Alveoplasty, Root planning, Intermaxillary fixation of fracture of maxilla and mandible, Root Canal treatments, Avulsed tooth reimplantation, Splinting of loose teeth, Facial bone fracture correction surgeries by ORIF (Orbital, Frontal, Maxillary, Mandibular and Nasal bone fractures).

We also do Cosmetic corrective surgeries of mandible for skeletal malocclusion using BSSO plates. We do Hemi-mandibulectomy, partial or segmental resection of mandible with titanium recon plate fixation and Cyst enucleations. We also use Lactic Acid resorbable plates and screws for fixation of fractures in growing children and teenagers.


Dr. A. Babu BDS


  1. Ultra sonic Scalings.

  2. Permanent fillings and cosmetic fillings.

  3. Root canal treatments.

  4. Apicoectomies.

  5. Extractions.

  6. Impactions.

  7. Cyst enucleations, Marsupialization under GA

  8. ORIF of facial bone fractures under GA

  9. Splinting of mobile teeth

  10. Pediatric Root canal treatments

  11. Gigivectomy

  12. Alveoloplasties

  13. Pulpectomies

  14. Pulpotomies