Department of Dermatology and STD

The history of dermatology is the history of mankind. Failure to care for the skin increases the risk of skin infections leading to mental distress and disability, and caring for the skin improves the chances of being perceived as being attractive to others thereby enhancing survival of an individual’s genes.

Dermatology, venereology & leprosy is a field of medicine that provides an opportunity to diagnose most of the skin diseases based on clinical assessment with bare minimum laboratory investigations.

General information:

This Department provides treatment for common and rare skin diseases such as, 

  1. Infections (Fungal, bacterial, leprosy, skin tuberculosis, parasite & viral)

  2. Inflammatory dermatoses (Psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, urticaria, cutaneous vasculitis, autoimmune connective tissue disorders, morphoea…)

  3. Allergic drug reactions

  4. Immuno bullous disorders (Pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid…)

  5. Pigmentary disorders (Vitiligo, melasma, pigmentary contact dermatitis…)

  6. Paediatric skin diseases (Geno dermatoses and acquired skin problems)

  7. Diseases related to mucous membranes & genital area

  8. Diseases related to nail, hair, sweat glands and sebaceous glands.


Dr. A. Therasal Valarmathi MBBS., MD (DVL)
Dr. G. Rajesh Kumar


Training of general medicine and paediatric residents at RH/PER



DVL OPD days: Monday. Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 

Procedure Day: Wednesday 

Time: 1100hrs – 1600 hrs





1. Oculomandibulo dyscephaly with hypotrichosis and skin atrophy at RH/PER by Dr CM Ravi MD DVL

2. ⁠Sweet syndrome in Rheumatoid arthritis at DRH/Bangalore/ SWR by Dr CM Ravi MD DVL

3. ⁠Lupus Miliaris Dissemiantus Faciei as an acne stimulant in the tropics at IACD in 2006 by Dr CM Ravi MD DVL


1. Therasal Valarmathi., et al (2022), Successful treatment of recalcitrant facial

sebopsoriasis with low-dose cyclosporine. Dermatologic Therapy, 35: e15614.

2. Therasal Valarmathi., et al. (May 09, 2024) A Case Series on a Rare Clinical

Presentation of Lichen Planopilaris Restricted to the Face. Cureus 16(5): e59987.

3. Therasal Valarmathi., et al (2024), Cutaneous metastasis with tuberculosis cutis

colliquativa as the initial presentation of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. JDDG:

Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, 22: 109-111.

4. Therasal Valarmathi., et al (2023), Novel intralesional rituximab regimen in

recalcitrant oral pemphigus vulgaris. J Dermatol, 50: e390-e391.

5. Therasal Valarmathi., et al. Efficacy of carbon peel laser in acne vulgaris in skin of

color: A single center prospective study. J Cutan Aesthet Surg.

6. Therasal Valarmathi., et al. A spectrum of dermatological manifestations associated

with hypothyroid condition – A pilot study. BLDE University Journal of Health

Sciences 8(1):p 47-50, Jan–Jun 2023.

7. Therasal Valarmathi., et al. Disseminated Borrelial B Cell Lymphocytoma in an Adult

– Report of a Rare Presentation. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth

16(Suppl 2):p S310-S312, October 2023.


Notice board:

DVL OPD days: Monday. Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 

Procedure Day: Wednesday 

Time: 1100hrs – 1600 hrs 



The procedure room in the department is equipped with whole body phototherapy unit, cryosurgery instruments, radiofrequency ablation machine, light microscope for bedside diagnosis which are being utilized for the beneficiaries. 

We provide biological treatment for psoriasis, pemphigus vulgaris and chronic urticaria. 

Procedures: Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including Skin biopsy, Excisions, RF ablation, Intralesional injections, Paring.