Department of ENT

General Information

The ENT OPD is in Room 313 of the OPD block on the second floor. The Department at present has 2 IRHS  Doctors and 4 Postgraduates. It has a fully functional Audiology unit attached. Daily about 120 patients attend the OPD. All types of special, major, and minor cases are handled by the department.


Dr. Musarrat Feshan DLO, DNB (Otolaryngology)
Dr. A. P. Preetham MBBS, DNB (Otolaryngology)


DNB academic program was started in the year 1991. From then on every year 1 primary and 1 secondary candidates join the department. Classes, case presentations, Seminars, and journal clubs are held regularly in the department. Till now more than 90% of the students have cleared the DNB final examination. The department has a library with all basic ENT textbooks and journals for quick and easy reference.



Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 8am to 4 pm

Tuesday & Thursday: 2 pm to 4 pm

Sat: 8 am to 1 pm

Vertigo Clinic



Oncology Clinic: Wed: 10 am to 12 noon.

Snoring and OSA Clinic


Ongoing Research in the Department:

  1. A cross-sectional study of the factors predisposing to obstructive sleep apnea in the adult population attending ent opd with snoring in the tertiary care centre.

  2. A descriptive cross-sectional study of type and severity of hearing loss among diabetic patients in the tertiary care center.

  3. A cross-sectional study on the role of Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) among patients presenting with dysphagia.

  4. A Cross-Sectional study to analyze the findings of videonystagmography in patients presenting with giddiness.


Published Articles:


  1. Preetham AP, Musarrat F. Squamous cell carcinoma of the Oropharynx presenting with distant metastasis to the ulna. Int J Otorhinolaryngol. 2013; 2:240-44. Available from:

  2. Hemanth V, Sathish KC, Manikandan D, Musarrat F, Preetham AP, Paulrah MG. An unusual case of late tracheostomy bleed. Case report in clinical medicine. 2013; 2(4): 260-2.

  3. Vamanshankar H, Sathish KC, Manikandan D, Preetham AP, Musarrat F. Senescence and its effect on respiratory cilia. Otorhinolaryngol. 2014; 70:0-0.

  4. Satish KC, Hemanth V, Prakash M, Musarrat F, Preetham AP. Repercussions of Concurrent ChemoRadiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research. 2019; 5-6: Available from 

  5. Hemanth V, Sathish KC, Preetham AP, Musarrat F. Mucociliary Function: Its Variation with Disease.Clin Rhinol An Int J 2016;9(2):68-73

  6. Manikandan D, Musarrat F, Vamanshankar H, Preetham AP, R Anjali. Measurement of Blood Loss during Adenotonsillectomy in Children and Factors Affecting It. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine,4,151-156

  7. Thirupathi K, A. P. Preetham, Musarrat Feshan. Clinicopathological profile and treatment outcomes of patients presenting with epistaxis: a hospital-based cross-sectional study in Southern railway headquarters hospital, Chennai. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Oct;7(10):1624-1629. DOI: 

  8. Kiran Thimmarayappa, Musarrat Feshan, Preetham A P. A randomised control study comparing efficacy and safety of Rabeprazole monotherapy Vs Rabeprazole and Domperidone combination in patients with Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease at a tertiary care centre. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 20, Issue 9 Ser.2 (September. 2021), PP 41-47. DOI: 10.9790/0853-2009024147

  9. Sandravelu T, Preetham A P, Musarrat Feshan. Endoscopic evaluation of dysphagia incorporating eating assessment tool-10 and dysphagia outcome and severity scales-a cross-sectional study. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Apr;8(4):333-340. DOI:

  10. Preetham A. Puthukudy, Musarrat Feshan, Sowmya Karuthedath. A 3 years retrospective observational study of pure tone audiometry in a tertiary railway hospital. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Apr;8(4):348-355. DOI:

  11. Feshan M, Puthukudy PA, Devadass B. A prospective observational study of ototoxicity in head and neck cancers treated with chemoradiotherapy. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2022;8:595-601.

  12. Puthukudy PA, Feshan M, Satheesh R. Clinicopathological profile and outcomes of treatment of head and neck cancer patients in a tertiary care center: a hospital-based prospective study. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2023;9:58-64.

  13. Puthukudy PA, Feshan M, Muthu D. A prospective study of clinicopathological profile and outcome of otomycosis in patients presenting to a tertiary care center. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2023;9:805-10.

  14. Feshan M, Puthukudy PA, Odayappan A. Role of flexible fiberoptic nasopharyngolaryngoscopy and indirect laryngoscopy in the diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal pathologies. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2024;10:xxx-xx. DOI:

Notice Board

 An accreditation inspection of the department was held on 22nd July 2024.



ENT Examination Units for each PG to examine patients individually under supervision.

Nasal Endoscopy with camera and monitor. 

Minor OT with facilities for minor procedures in the OPD.

Temporal bone workstation for Hands-on training for mastoid surgeries.



Fully functional and equipped Audiology Unit with soundproof room and Speech therapy.

As part of “The National Program for Prevention And Control Of deafness “Universal screening of newborns for hearing loss was started in 2013 and has been done continuously for the last 10 years.

Vertigo clinic for evaluation of giddiness, including  Bucket test and Frenzel’s eyeglasses.

Departmental Library with all basic ENT books for quick and easy reference during classes.

Manikins is for training the postgraduates in BLS, difficult airway, laryngeal surgery, intubation, etc.


Co2 laser, Blue laser for all Laryngeal, Head & Neck, and Rhinology (Fibreoptic arm and cable).

Snoring surgeries like UPPP and tongue base reduction using Laser.



Microdebrider for FESS and laryngeal surgeries.

Fiberoptic Nasopharyngoscopy & Bronchoscopy.

FEES for all cases of Dysphagia.

Microscope for Mastoidectomy.

Head and Neck Oncology surgeries.

Microlaryngeal surgeries for vocal cord lesions.

All basic facilities for ENT surgeries.

All cases of Head And Neck Cancer Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy are given in-house.

The department has 28 beds allotted for in patients.